About Us
On May 10, 2000 the Government of Canada introduced Bill C-34, which prescribed a
number of changes to the handling and transportation of prairie grain. In conjunction with its
enactment on August 1, 2001 the government also announced that they would appoint an independent
third party to monitor the overall efficiency of the prairie grain handling and transportation
system, including the impact of changes on producers, the Canadian Wheat Board, railways, grain
companies and ports.
On June 19, 2001 the Government of Canada announced that Quorum Corporation had been selected as the
monitor for the prairie grain handling and transportation system.
Since then Quorum Corporation, under the Grain Monitor's mandate, has provided the Government with a
series of weekly, monthly and annual reports that track the changes in the structure of the grain
handling and transportation system, commercial relations, the efficiency and reliability of the
system, short-term operational performance and producer impacts. In addition, the Monitor is often
called upon to perform ad hoc and supplemental studies for the Government as well as providing
industry groups with context on the performance of the system.
To ensure that as broad a view as possible is taken in measuring the efficiency of the GHTS, Quorum
Corporation consults extensively with the industry's key stakeholders. The Monitoring team meets
with over 40 different stakeholder groups at least once a year in order to receive feedback on
industry issues as well as to provide updates of the Monitoring program's findings. Any and all
stakeholder feedback, comments, questions and input are welcome and we encourage the industry to
contact any of the team members at their convenience.
For more information on the Monitoring Team or the Program design, click below:
- The Grain Monitoring Team
- The Monitoring Program Design

The Grain Monitoring program is a joint effort of Transport Canada and Agriculture
and Agri-Food Canada.
Page last updated on:
January 4, 2018 7:53:31 AM